
Wilderness Skills Video: Meat Care Part Two

You’ve staggered and sweated that elk or deer back to your wilderness camp…but now what? Your screams would echo off the mountains if you did all that work just to lose your meat now! Watch this short video to ensure you get it all to your dining room table!

Introducing Wilderness Skills Videos – Meat Care In The Field!

In support of his book called ‘A Wilderness-Filled Soul,’ OMM Director Steve Osterholzer has created a series of short videos teaching Wilderness Skills. These directly support OMM’s mission of helping young men become capable in the outdoors. We’ll occasionally send them to you in the hopes they’re shared with young men/mentors wanting to hunt! Today’s video is 2 minutes […]

Meet Chad Vermeer, OMM’s Newest Board Member!

We’re incredibly excited to welcome Chad Vermeer to OMM’s Board of Directors! Chad guided for us on the October pronghorn hunt, demonstrating his huge heart, hunting skill, and passion for serving young men. Chad shares a few thoughts below and photos of his incredible family. Welcome to the OMM Leadership Team, Chad! What are your […]

Our Summer Wilderness Canoe Trips Application Window is Now Open!

We couldn’t be more excited to officially launch these trips in June! Years of planning, buying gear, and last summer’s successful test trip have us READY! Please read the info below and then apply HERE. We’ll accept applications until Dec. 31st. If you know of a young man who could benefit from this amazing experience, […]