The experiences and skills gained through our wilderness and hunting trips result make an impact in the lives of young men. How do we know? Because they have told us.
“It has increased my confidence and truly helped me start to understand how God designed men.”
“Knowing how much the Lord loves me.”
“It greatly boosted my self-confidence!”
“It has helped me understand God’s view on how we should live our lives.”
“It strengthened my spiritual walk with God.”
“It got me in contact with other Christian young men. The prayers and Campfire Talks Also provoked much thought as to who God is and has inspired me to go deeper in my relationship with Him.”
“The hunting skills I learned greatly increased my confidence!”
“To learn how to hunt so they can provide for my family.”
“To begin to think about what it means to be a Christian man…to have your heart moved….to become closer to God, and to be surrounded by strong, capable men who love Jesus.”
“My youth now has the confidence needed to go out and harvest a big game animal on his own. He also learned how to field dress and skin big game. His confidence has skyrocketed…this is HUGE!
“My youth has gained a more in-depth respect for life after taking a life to feed his family.”
“This experience helped him grow and strengthened his confidence as a man. It showed him that he is capable of great things.”
“To prove they are strong and to get sage advice from Christian men who have gone before them.”
“To have an alternate view from what they see in culture – friends, TV, and social media.”
“To know that God is still working and alive today.”
“I expected to see my youth have an encounter with God, but I didn’t expect God to meet me and work on my heart like He did.”