There’s Only 3 Days Left to Vote For OMM In The SCHEELS Giving Campaign – Help Us To Finish Strong!

The window to vote for OMM in the SCHEELS Giving Campaign closes in just three days! With this great company donating $100,000 to local charities, every vote is important – please invest in the young men of OMM with your vote!

The opportunity to vote for OMM in the SCHEELS Giving Campaign closes on December 1st. If you have already voted, THANK YOU! If you haven’t yet, please take a few seconds to help secure the much-needed funding OMM requires.

Voting is fast and easy. Simply enter your email address and click through the category prompts until you come to the one marked, “Youth Support Organization.” Please type “Of Mountains & Men.” You can simply leave the other categories blank if you’d like. Submitting your vote takes just a few more clicks and you’re done!

Please consider asking others to support this ministry with their vote. You can forward this to your contacts and we’ve also posted the info on our social media sites (at the icons below).

Here’s the link to vote:

THANK YOU for helping us guide these young men into Christian Manhood!