DIRECTOR- Lieutenant Colonel (R) Steve Osterholzer
Career Army Officer – 26 years of service to the nation, including serving combat tours, teaching at West Point, United States Northern Command, and 10th Special Forces Unit
AH-64 Apache helicopter pilot
Army Public Affairs Officer
Director of Army Instruction for Denver’s 11 Army JROTC Program (1,600 cadets and 30 instructors)
Professional Big Game Hunting Guide – Tri State Outfitters
Three Master’s Degrees: Public Administration, Public Affairs/Mass Communications, Homeland Security
Author of more than 15 freelance articles in hunting/Christian magazines (Bowhunter, Fur-Fish-Game, Bugle, Today’s Christian Living, etc.)
Author of two books: ‘A Wilderness-Filled Soul’ and ‘Wilderness Water’ (
Raised two sons and a daughter with a family emphasis on the outdoors
Outdoor Skills: Over 50 years of Outdoor Experience
Hunting: Personally harvested/led family and friends to more than 100 big game animals (elk, deer, and antelope). Majority of hunts have been Do It Yourself (DIY) on Colorado public land. Highly skilled in archery and firearms.
Canoeing/Fishing/Camping: Highly-experienced in wilderness canoeing in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Minnesota averaging more than 50 days per year canoeing/camping/fishing/exploring.
Alaska: Spent two seasons in Alaska on an adventure cruise ship and at a remote wilderness lodge. Specialties include ocean kayaking and backcountry hiking/camping.
Graduate of U.S. Army’s Combined Arms Services and Staff School
Author of a 120-page strategic plan for United States Northern Command (Master’s Thesis)
Architect of a strategic plan for certified 501c designed to help troubled teenaged boys
Served three years at a Joint Military Command focused on strategic planning
Planned/executed more than 70 trips into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
Planned/executed more than 125 Colorado backcountry wilderness hunts
Planned/ executed a 17-day wilderness adventure into Glacier Bay National Park (Alaska) for five people that included sea kayaking amongst icebergs and river fishing for salmon
Instructor at the United States Military Academy (West Point)
Senior Army JROTC Instructor for 300 high school students at a Hard-To- Serve inner city high school (Denver, CO)
Director of Army Instruction for Denver’s 11 JROTC programs (1,600 high school students)