Our big-game hunts for the upcoming season promise to be our biggest and best yet! This past season was incredible: God blessed us with all six of our pronghorn hunters harvesting an animal and 11 of the 13 youth elk hunters got their first elk! We can’t wait to see what God’s got in store for us next!
We’ll accept applications for the upcoming hunting season from February 1st through March 15th through our website. Please see below for details.
Thank you for your interest in the hunting trips for Of Mountains & Men! Here’s what you need to know before you apply for your youth to join us:
General Concept: Our hunting trips combine the thrill of big-game hunting with biblically-based discussions on Christian Masculinity. Of Mountains & Men (“OMM”) is blessed to hunt 80,000 acres of land privately leased by Tri-State Outfitters in Peyton, Colorado (approx. 20 miles northeast of Colorado Springs). We plan to hunt for both doe pronghorn and cow elk on this land between October 2024 and February 2025. Tags are being coordinated through Colorado Parks & Wildlife; we expect to have final quantities/determine exact hunt dates in the late March 2024 timeframe.
Hunt dates: Exact hunt dates will be finalized in late March 2024; we anticipate conducting one pronghorn hunt in October 2024 and several elk hunts in January/February 2025.
Cost: As with all OMM Trips, once youth/mentors arrive at the hunt location, all costs are covered by Of Mountains & Men. OMM is 100% funded through donations. WE BELIEVE IT’S IMPORTANT THAT OUR TRIPS ARE FREE.
Eligibility: Due to Colorado state rules, youths must be a minimum of 12 years old and a maximum of 17 years old at the time of their hunt.
Mentor: Each youth is accompanied by a mentor aged 18 or older. The roles of the mentor are companionship, participation in the Campfire Talks, and being comfortable discussing Christian masculinity with the youth. A mentor’s spiritual beliefs should align with the beliefs/values of OMM. Please visit the “Who We Are” page on our website to learn about what we believe. Mentors can be a relative (father, uncle, cousin, etc.) or a family friend. If the sponsor does not know anyone to be the youth’s mentor, a background-checked mentor from OMM will be provided.
Hunting Experience: No experience is necessary for either the youth or the mentor.
Conduct of the Hunt: Hunts are four days each, generally running from noon Friday until noon Monday. Each youth/mentor team will have its own highly-skilled guide.
Campfire Talks: Our Campfire Talks are biblically-based discussions about Christian masculinity, based on the book ‘Wild At Heart’ by John Eldredge and occur each evening. Everyone on the hunt, regardless if they’re a youth/mentor/guide/cook, is required to read the book prior to their hunt. The talks are designed to help the young man begin to answer four questions:
What does it mean to be a man?
How do I become one?
What does a woman need in a man?
How do I become truly alive?
Hunter Education Course: The youth MUST have completed a state-sponsored Hunter Education Course prior to their hunt (they will need to show their Hunter Safety Number to acquire the hunting license on the first day of the hunt).
Base Camp: Hunts will be conducted out of a lodge area in Peyton, Colorado. All participants will be lodged in a heated area with a cot. All meals are provided.
Application Window: Applications will be accepted from February 1st thru March 15th. We’ll notify those selected/not selected approximately at the end of March.