Steve Osterholzer, the founder and director of OMM, has just released his first book titled, ‘A Wilderness-Filled Soul.’ He’s been blessed with having a dozen of his freelance stories featured in prominent big-game hunting magazines such as Bowhunter, Bulgle, The Mule Deer Foundation Magazine, and numerous others. The front-cover endorsement was done by John Eldredge, the author of ‘Wild At Heart,’ upon which OMM’s Campfire Talks are based.
Throughout the book are many of the same values and characteristics that OMM instills in young men: inner strength, tenacity, courage, family, and an appreciation for the beauty of God’s creation are themes woven throughout both. Steve hopes the book will be both an inspiration and a blueprint for Christian Masculinity in men, young and old.
You’re invited to subscribe to Steve’s weekly video blog, a series of short videos accomplishing two things. The first are short videos supporting the book’s stories; you’ll see exactly where the action unfolded! You’ll witness exactly where the animal stood, what the terrain is like – instead of having to visualize the scene based upon the written story, you’ll actually SEE it! Second are short videos to teach wilderness hunting skills: how to field dress an animal, what to carry in an emergency pack, navigating in the wild, etc. We want you not just to simply survive in the wild, but THRIVE in the wild!
The videos are generally 2-minutes long and will come out every Thursday to replace “OMM’s Inspirational Moment.” We promise not to clog up your inbox!
You can subscribe to Steve’s video blog HERE, along with finding a link to purchase the book.
Below’s a short video created exclusively for OMM Supporters.
Thank you for supporting this effort as God finds yet another way to tell the world about Of Mountains & Men!