Every few weeks, we introduce you to an OMM Board Member. Today, we’re honored to introduce you to Joe Pitrone and his family! You likely don’t know it, but you’re already familiar with Joe’s work. Joe’s our Trip Photographer, so we have him to thank for the incredible photos you often see!
God has blessed me with a wife for 38 years, 5 kids, 13 grandkids with one more coming. My Father God reached out to me when I was 20 and opened my eyes to the beauty of His Son Jesus and what He accomplished with His life and death for me. He sent His Spirit to open my ears and eyes and gave me a new heart to love Him.
I met Steve a few years ago through a pastor friend that recommended Steve for youth hunts. I have two fatherless grandsons that fit perfectly into the OMM program, so I met with Steve to discuss taking them on a hunt. My passion has been/is working with younger people with the goal of leading them to a close relationship with Jesus. After meeting with Steve, I realized that we are very aligned in our passion for leading youth into Christian manhood. The hunt with my 14 & 15-year-old grandsons was a huge success!
We can live this life apart from God and die without ever knowing Him in a personal way. Our Father God designed us to know Him and walk with Him in this life in a very intimate way and Jesus made this possible by removing our sin which keeps us from this relationship. OMM is a way for young men to experience God’s creation and hear from men who know the Creator in a close way. My passion is to see young men come to know the God that made them!