The 2021 Youth Hunt was our biggest and best ever! We increased from 4 youth/4 mentors in 2020 to 6 youth/6 mentors along with expanding the number of guides and camp staff. A high level of great camaraderie was immediately established amongst the group Friday afternoon as we established Base Camp, shot muzzleloaders at the range, enjoyed a huge spaghetti dinner, experienced a hunting class and finally a very engaged Campfire Talk. This Campfire Talk focused on the questions of “What does it mean to be a man?” and “How do I become one?”
As always the hunting action on Saturday was fast and furious as nearly everyone experienced several exciting stalks with their guides. A gorgeous sunrise kicked the day off to a fantastic start as our young hunters began booming off shots. Deer were harvested and prayed over, great conversations between youth and mentored flowed over the ridges, and the sun dropped below the horizon with more than 150 being seen for the day. Another Campfire Talk focused on the questions, “What does a girl/woman need in a Godly man?” and “How do I become truly alive?” and concluded with each boy receiving a knife engraved with their name. The night closed with much laughter echoing through camp as everyone gathered round to share stories.
Sunday dawned with more exciting stalks culminating in the harvest of a beautiful buck with only minutes left in the hunt! That afternoon the hunters departed amidst a flurry of selfies and man hugs. A weekend that had begun with the hunters as strangers closed with them being a band of brothers.